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Four new excellences in the Rilegato shop

Verico, Toray, iWet, Böttcher: four new names of excellence from the world of printing are added to the list of brands available in the Rilegato shop

The expansion of Rilegato continues to make available more and more iconic brands and products that make the difference in all phases related to the printing process. The four new names entered into the Rilegato shop are Verico, Toray, iWet, Böttcher: historic leaders in the sector and young brands characterized by the highest performance standards.

The technology of Verico’s Zahara printing plates has brought waterless printing to a new dimension, capable of responding to precise printing needs and with extremely sharp reproduction. Among the products available from Toray, founded in 1926 and present in 29 countries, the IMPRIMA™ plates stand out: a series that boasts high environmental performance, as it does not require dampening chemicals, does not produce waste liquids and reduces waste to a minimum. VOC emissions during the printing process. The iWet brand also bases its innovation on research: linked to the historic production of socks for dampening rollers, the company today adds a revolutionary objective with its products, that of producing special solutions for cleaning inks and maintaining machinery in press room, which are based on the latest biochemical technology and characterized by a high degree of environmental sustainability. The Böttcher brand is present in the Rilegato shop with its line of cleaning products: the market leading company in the development of washing and maintenance products. Its range meets the highest technical standards in terms of effectiveness and environmental safety.

The high quality in the selection of products is combined with the Rilegato purchasing experience: fast, free, assisted in all its phases by our consultancy services.

Discover the revolution of the smart shop in the world of printing and all the offers available.


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